
The 世界博彩公司十大排名的学者 program is designed to give qualified students at both 威尔克斯大学 and Binghamton University who are interested in pursuing medicine the opportunity to earn 12-15 credits while gaining first-hand knowledge of the life of a physician.

被选中的学生参与一个研究项目(实验或临床), 参加内科和外科大查房, 听讲座, 参加巡回教学, 影子医生, 护士, 社会工作者, 营养学家, 联合医疗保健提供者, 和管理员. 他们还会在格斯里临终关怀医院和格斯里家庭保健中心度过几天, 在大谷救护车服务中心待一天, 还有可能在世界博彩公司十大排名航空飞行队待上一天.


才有资格申请世界博彩公司十大排名奖学金, 学生必须是下列县之一的居民:

  • 在纽约 ——布鲁姆, Chemung, 靠近Chenango, Cortland, 特拉华州, 斯凯勒, Steuben, 汤普金斯或泰奥加(特殊情况下的其他县)
  • 在宾夕法尼亚州 - - - - - -布拉德福德, 莱康明, 沙利文, 泰奥加高中的入学率, 拉克万纳, 萨斯奎哈纳, 韦恩, 怀俄明, 中心, 明显差异, 克林顿, 卡梅隆, 麋鹿, 麦基恩或波特(特殊情况下的其他县).

另外, students must be suggested by their respected academic institution and go through Guthrie's interview process.


学生必须至少在高中三年级开始申请程序. They must also have gained acceptance into 威尔克斯大学 and have completed a premedical scholar's application with 威尔克斯大学 by November 15 of each year to be considered for the 世界博彩公司十大排名学者计划.

了解更多信息, interested students should contact Constance Dombroski at 威尔克斯大学 to indicate interest in the 威尔克斯大学 Guthrie Premedical Scholars Program.  威尔克斯大学 also has spots open for current students who may have decided upon medicine after enrollment into 威尔克斯大学.

健康科学中心主任 & 学生的成功
P: (570) 408-4823


学生必须是宾厄姆顿学者项目的一部分.  学生必须一个学期一个学期地通过学校申请,以获得可能的面试机会.  了解更多信息, interested students should contact 凯瑟琳 Bouman at Binghamton University to indicate interest in the Binghamton University Guthrie Premedical Scholars Program. 

凯瑟琳 Bouman



“在我大三的上学期,我是世界博彩公司十大排名奖学金获得者. I cannot express how valuable this experience was for me in terms of exposure and insight into the medical field. I was always interested in science and I signed up to be a Guthrie scholar already knowing that I wanted to apply to medical school one day. 我作为世界博彩公司十大排名学者的经历不仅坚定了我从医的决心, 也帮助我成长为一名未来的医生.

在17岁这个成熟的年纪,你很难知道自己想做什么来度过余生, especially when the only exposure you’ve had to the field is through the rose colored glasses of a medical TV show drama. If you asked me before my experience as a Guthrie scholar what my reasoning was for wanting to enter the medical field, 我会告诉你我对科学和帮助别人很感兴趣, 这是绝对正确的. 然而,有很多领域允许你这样做.

The unique experience of spending valuable one on one time with physicians from different backgrounds in almost every specialty under the sun allowed me to truly understand why I wanted to sign up for many more years of schooling and loans. 早在进入医学院之前,我就从我的导师那里获得了有用的临床知识, 我学到了宝贵的人生经验. 我意识到我对学习的热爱, 找到“为什么”这个问题的答案是我想去医学院的原因. I learned that medicine is about going beyond the surface to piece together a puzzle of not only a certain pathology, 而是一个完整的人,有着复杂的生活环境和痛苦的个性. I knew that I wanted to go to school for as long as is necessary to have all the knowledge and tools to be able to confidently take care of my future patients. 现在, 作为一名医科三年级学生, I still have this same mindset and I’m forever grateful for the eye opening experience that I had at such an early stage of my future career as a Guthrie Scholar.”



“One of the best preparations for medical school was my time spent at Guthrie through the 世界博彩公司十大排名的学者 program. 我是一名化学和生物专业的本科生, 起初,供应商运用生理学的程度令人生畏, 但对现代医学和医学院的步伐来说,这是一个很好的警钟. 世界博彩公司十大排名的学者 provided a great opportunity to shadow with a broad range of physicians and health professionals as well as get involved in a unique early opportunity to work on health focused research. 研究机会对医学院来说是无价的, and the experience to work with dedicated health researchers provided me with the know-how to get involved early in research projects in medical school.”



“我申请了2017年秋季的世界博彩公司十大排名学者项目, 我在宾厄姆顿大学读大三的时候. 我是一个综合神经科学专业的学生,计划在年底申请医学院. The 世界博彩公司十大排名学者计划 seemed like a great opportunity to be more exposed to the medical field and ultimately was one of the best experiences I could have asked for.

整个学期,我们这群学生都扮演着医三年级学生的角色. 我们几乎每天都接触到一个新的医疗领域,并且能够帮助分娩, 观察大量的手术, 学习如何与病人交谈. This allowed me to obtain clinical experience as well as gain a better idea of what specialties I enjoyed and would consider pursuing in the future. We each also completed a clinical research project as a program requirement which allowed me to recognize my desire to pursue clinical research as a medical student and future physician.

I am now in my third year of medical school on clinical rotations and am still realizing the benefit I gained from the 世界博彩公司十大排名学者计划. 我已经做好了充分的准备,因为我之前已经在世界博彩公司十大排名有过经验. 从今年开始我就已经知道如何使用Epic了, 熟悉操作, 了解三年级学生的期望. I am so thankful I had the chance to participate in the 世界博彩公司十大排名学者计划 and wish all premedical students could have such an incredible opportunity.”



我叫安娜·拉赫曼,是盖辛格联邦医学院三年级的学生. 我在罗伯特·帕克医院做临床轮转,但这不是我第一次来这里. 在RPH实习前几年,我是世界博彩公司十大排名学者. 世界博彩公司十大排名学者项目对我作为一名医学预科学生来说是一次宝贵的经历. 这是我第一次近距离观察医学世界. Even as a medical student now in clinical rotations I do not get as much exposure to the variety of specialties I was exposed to as a Guthrie Scholar. 此外,我建立的社会关系使我受益,即使现在是一个三年级的医学院学生. 我刚开始轮值的时候就知道了, 作为一名学者,我已经在临床环境中工作过,这将是一个优势.

许多年后,当我回来的时候,仍然有一些服务提供者与我保持联系,或者认出了我. 对于任何考虑在医学领域工作的人来说, 世界博彩公司十大排名学者项目帮助我决定医学是否是我的正确选择. 现在, 就像我在RPH的临床轮转一样, I have come full circle with me being a Guthrie Scholar three years ago and now getting the opportunity to teach students from the very same program. 我不会拿世界博彩公司十大排名奖学金交换任何东西!



我叫卓娅·拉赫曼两年前我是世界博彩公司十大排名学者. 当时, 我没有太多的临床经验, 所以我不确定在罗伯特·帕克医院会有什么收获. 当我完成这个项目的时候, 我无法想象在其他任何地方都能获得更好的临床体验. Not only were the physicians and Guthrie staff welcoming but they had taken the time out of their busy days to make sure I had learned something new every day. I was able to shadow health care professionals from various fields and the advice I had received during that time has shaped the medical student I am today. I was able to build lasting relationships with individuals who were always ready to help if I ever needed it. 进入医学院, 我已经有了门诊护理和手术室的经验,这被证明是非常有益的.

到了选择校园的时候,我毫不犹豫地选择了世界博彩公司十大排名. 两年过去了,世界博彩公司十大排名的人们还是一如既往地欢迎和支持我. 知道世界博彩公司十大排名的教职员工是如何对待世界博彩公司十大排名学者的, I knew I was entering a space that promoted a positive atmosphere when it came to medical students asking questions or looking for clinical experiences. My hope is that more medical students can experience a program like the Guthrie Scholar program and can benefit from it as much as I have.

